Amongst old paintings and manuscripts RAMSCH & ROSEN (engl. Rummage & Roses) search for old tunes. A layer of dust carefully wiped away and what they discover usually turns out to be a treasure. Gems to the heart, ears and mind – and maybe just a hint of kitsch.
The violin echoing tunes from the alps - sighing and cheering - flying above the zither, parts mingling, voices crackling, yodelling, and finally bursting into hilarious cheering encouraging the audience’s hearts to leap for joy ...
Ramsch & Rosen released their first album "Bellver" in march 2014, their second record "Bergen" was released in October 2016.
Since autumn 2016, Ramsch & Rosen is also playing with Lukas Kranzelbinder (double bass) and David Six (piano) as "Ramsch & Rosen Quartet".
Programs: Current program: "Bergen" | Ramsch & Rosen Quartet: "Expanda" | Ramsch & Rosen and Die Strottern: "12 letzte Lieder"
Concerts - Jazzclub Porgy&Bess (Wien), Kulturschloss Traun, Schrammelklang Festival Litschau, Ö1 Charity Bühne (Wien), Halleiner Festwochen, Festspiele Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, ECHT:Festival Kunstbox, Sargfabrik, Sprudel Sprudel & Musik, Wiener Musikverein
Media profile - Ö1 "CD of the day" on the 27th of September 2016, ORF- Mei liabste Weis, Servus TV - Hoagascht
Ramsch & Rosen is not only about the courage of bringing together different styles. It's also about having a delicate intuition for what's possible – and both musicians do. And it's about being curious of what you'll come across on the way. (...)
A sensitive search for traces. Ramsch & Rosen make a lot more than new folk music. Julia Lacherstorfer & Simon Zöchbauer are amongst the most innovative musicians in Austria when it comes to dealing with traditional music in creative ways.
(Albert Hosp / Radio DJ & journalist Ö1/ORF, programm on radio Ö1 on 27.09.16, presenting the album "Bergen"
Ramsch & Rosen's music is building stunningly beautiful bridges between the past and the present, thus opening the borders between tradition and modernity. The styles are interlaced in a way that breathes an enormous musical diversity. (...) Ramsch & Rosen bring us a folk music where local influences are interwoven with sounds from very different worlds in the most beautiful manner. In doing so, they let their unique music flourish in an exciting and impressive way.
(Michael Ternai, Music Information Center Austria; review of "Bergen")
Julia Lacherstorfer - violin, high fiddle, viola, vocals, ankle bells, bells, drum Simon Zöchbauer - trumpet, zither, flugelhorn, piccolo trumpet, vocals, shruti box

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